Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Go Bucks! Beat that scUM!!

Sunday began what annually seems like a sort of holiday week in central Ohio. As a buckeye fan since birth, beating that "scUM up north" has the same effects of Christmas morning or, for some, re-living the effects of your 21st birthday. In anticipation of this weekend's events, I am stealing a NBA commercial because I think it is awesome:

Where Tradition Happens

Where Brutus Happens

Where Heisman Happens

Where Perfection Happens

Where Mirror Lake Happens

Where O-H-I-O Happens

Where 105,00 Plus Happens

Where Dotting the I Happens

Where the Greatest Rivalry in Sports Happens

Where Future Happens

Where Amazing Happens Go Bucks! Happy Beat Michigan Week!

Warning: Spoiled Dog

It seems we have a problem. Lucy the Dog is spoiled. We have started to realize that Lucy does not have any doggy friends or any interactions with other animals. Thus,...Lucy actually may believe that she is not a dog. WHAT she believes is still up for debate.

Last night however, we found ourselves in a bit of an argument with Lucy. It seems that Lucy is completely unaware that, because she is a dog, her sleeping place is on her dog bed. Instead she was adamant that she sleep on Judd's side of the bed. Judd sat ON Lucy's bed and explained to her that THAT was her spot. For a few minutes, Lucy had actually managed to continue to sleep in Judd's bed while he sat on hers. She has a talent of manipulation.
Proof of the manipulation:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grad School: Check

2009 has been a BIG year so far. I've adopted a dog, graduated college, got married, left the country, bought a house, moved, started grad school, and started a new career. All of which occurred within two months. Some of which happened inside 24 hours. Whew....

Life is finally getting a little slower. As of this evening, I will be finished with my first semester of graduate school. I've come to the conclusion that grad school is far easier than most of the other steps I took this year and SOMEONE neglected to tell me that for a reason. I think going to grad school is like some kind of mental trick that society doesn't tell undergraduates. In your undergrad, you study and work for years at a time with the single intention of making it into the school of your choice. Once you actually get there, you realize that it is actually easier than anything you've done in the past four years. What a great surprise!

Grad School: Check. One semester down.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Considering I am commonly known as "Nanook" in the winter and only wear giant sweaters and uggs for months at a time, I know I am going to regret saying this...

Can someone please explain to me what happened to fall in Ohio?! Last week I was Nanook again and yesterday Judd and I were wearing shorts. It seems fall simply doesn't exist.
How is this....
my weekend in Ohio?

The Adventures of Lucy Dog

While living in our condo, Judd and I never ONCE visited the pool we were paying for. NOT ONE TIME. Therefore, Judd and I decided that we should begin our new home ownership on a better note. As we noticed Lucy was sneaking into the "Buddy Biscuits" for the 3rd time in one afternoon, we decided it was time for her to get a bit more exercise and explore our new community.

Low and behold! Apparently we are paying for more than a pool this time. Lucy, Judd, and I spent Sunday afternoon walking around our new playgrounds, ponds, picnic areas, and doggy play parks. Though Lucy's panting led us to believe she thought she was dying from exercise, a good time was had by all. We'll be sure to visit again....maybe next year.