Christmas is officially over and I am proud to announce that it was a success. Judd, Lucy, and I made it through the holiday with only one tree falling on us, one allergic reaction (Lucy has since learned NOT to eat the Christmas ham), enough World War II dvds to watch for months, and enough Christmas cookies to last us until the next holiday.
The Christmas celebrations started at my parents' house on Christmas Eve. This is always my favorite part of Christmas. I love having a formal meal with the people that mean so much to me. I love how absolutely nothing has changed about this evening for over 20 years. It always reminds me of years past, the people who used to be there, and childhood excitement of the holiday.

Christmas morning started bright and early at 5:30 am with Judd waking the household. We must of been on the "good list" this year because Santa brought me a new camera, Judd 40 some hours of World War II documentaries (Apparently this is a fun thing...I'm yet to be sure), and Lucy a pink winter coat (don't laugh. You literally have to throw her outside if it is cold).

The morning continued with Christmas breakfast with my entire extended family. It was officially decided that the only good Christmas presents are the ones that make you cry. My cousin's boyfriend made my uncle a bench for his garden with a plaque in remembrance of my grandparents. The tears flowed and Judd is yet to understand why that makes the present so much better. Believe me, it does.

Judd and I then said goodbye to Lucy and hopped in the car for the annual longest-Christmas-drive-ever. I swear driving to the middle of West Virginia gets longer each year and my GPS system agrees because it turns off when you cross the state line.
We had Christmas dinner at Judd's aunt's home along with all of his mother's extended family. It made me so thankful for joining his family. My family is so small and his seems to very large at times. It made me realize how great a blessing his family is in our lives.

After dinner, we went to Judd's grandparents home and spent the evening with his grandparents, parents, and siblings. We enjoyed our time with them and I loved spending time with my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Heather.

So now it seems that Christmas is over. Judd and I were so very blessed this year. We sincerely hope that your Holiday was filled with joy and the love of family. We also hope that you didn't let the dog eat the Christmas ham...we learned it's a bad plan.
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