That's right, Folks. You read that right. Miracles do happen. I finally graduated after having four different undergraduate majors and now I finally have a "big kid" job. A Big Kid Job!! In fact, I felt the need to take a monumental last "first day of school" picture.

Today was my first day being a substitute teacher. Like any logically thinking educator, I decided to take over a class of seniors, in a questionable area of the city, with no formal lesson plan, teaching a subject that I will not actually be licensed to teach. It was a brilliant plan. I figured that I would at least have the opportunity to excel in my own academic advancement. If not, a Friday night at home and a basement full of leftover wedding wine waited at home.
However, life never seems to stop amazing me. My overly optimistic plan actually worked. That group of overly talkative 12th graders taught me more today than a year's worth of classes. The seniors I saw today were not at all the individuals I had in my head. While I taught them their lessons of the day, they taught me how to be a better teacher. They gave me the confidence to see that all of the work I had put into my education had actually paid off.
After explaining to my students that learning is a process that is never quite complete, I gave them the opportunity to help me learn. The assessments that I recieved in return blew my mind:
"You are really nice and will make a great teacher. I think your students will enjoy you."
"Continue being the wonderful teacher you seem to be."
" Be yourself and never be afraid to disobey the rules. You'll learn more that way."
" Be yourself and never be afraid to disobey the rules. You'll learn more that way."
" I like how I got to participate in class today. Most subs don't let me do that."
Today was the best first teaching experience I could have imagined. After working so long to be here, I finally feel I am where I am meant to be. I am so proud to finally be standing in front of the class, yet the seniors I met today reminded me to never forget what the room looks like from the other side. After all, it wasn't all that long ago anyway.

Yay, good teacher you are. Lovely pictures as well.